組合 year to date回報:117.3%
標普500 year to date年回報:8.7%
納指year to date年回報:32.5%
恆指 year to date 回報:(8.8%)
恆指 year to date 回報:(8.8%)
投資組合回報仍保持在100%之上,但自9月初equity return curve進入停滯不前的上落狀態。主要原因是今年帶來豐厚回報的重倉Tesla自8月底後未能再創新高,繼而限制投資組合的爆發力。此外,今年年初持股股數也影響對TSLA的投資決定,太著意要補回年初股數也令股價未展現充份強勢時買入過多比重
- 這一個多月來持股成員作出不少變化,要令投資組合加入具活力的新血,尤其是好些之前trade開股份己過了最爆炸性的一段。但問題是目前除第一大持股外,其餘股份比重太散,未是理想狀態。其一原因是好公司太多,很多隻也想買。其二是11月重因應市況現金比重提升至近50%,其後接連三天納指急升,但升得太急的話要追回持貨也不容易做決定,以及有焗追的感覺
- 個別股票在升至高位或股價轉弱時應予減持以控制風險,但如何補回又是一項議題。剛公佈利好業績的SQ雖則目前是第二大持倉,但9月份及10月份時相斷賣出及補回了兩轉,目前總股數其實較8月份是少了一截
- 在交易技巧上要進步便要嘗試作反向交易,第一注執行要在大跌時買入及升時沽出,或在一個行情醞釀中的時候。若待明確訊號突破出現時才下第一注往往己錯失了先機
SQ Cash App monstrous revenue and profit growth
回覆刪除Yes, very imprestive with growth acceleration. I added some on Friday
刪除Hi You sir, any specific reason on buying YALA & FVRR, they seems do not have strong moats on its business? Thanks!!
回覆刪除YALA - emerging social network in Middle East
刪除FVRR - outsourcing job exchange platform
I think they have increasing moat due to scale of social network
Friday action: Add SQ PTON FVRR
回覆刪除Take profit on NIO, reduce TSLA as I need to retain cash position due to lingering uncertainty over the US election
Big progress in vaccine development is casuing a sector rotation in pre market, with tech stocks tumbling but old economy stocks soaring. It will be a challenge to react tonight
回覆刪除The first interim efficacy analysis of the large-scale Phase 2/3 clinical trial evaluating Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) and BioNTech's (NASDAQ:BNTX) COVID-19 vaccine candidate, BNT162b2, showed it to be more than 90% effective seven days after the second dose in preventing infection in participants with no evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Add SQ TDOC PINS as they are not much affected by COVID vaccine
回覆刪除Sell PTON, as Covid vaccine means less GYM at home
我加左zoom, 認為開conference call 會變成new normal
回覆刪除再加q3 er 未出,希望岩
再加埋CISCO 後日ER, 可以睇下WEBEX如何
BTW 我SUB開既呢期強推ROKU/MGNI 有興趣參考下
回覆刪除Sell DOCU
回覆刪除Buy ENPH
Reduce TSLA
Covid beneficiary stocks, namely cloud stocks, are weakening
Further sell TDOC and raised cash level to 15%
刪除Sector rotation is weighing pressure on tech stocks and underlying market momentum is not that strong. Turning more cautious
Buy BA, to add cyclical old economy stocks to balance the portfolio
回覆刪除Sell YALA with small loss