- 港股今天終出現突破性上升;惟升市的寬度仍稍嫌不夠,不少二、三線股動力不足;似是挾倉格局
- 很多周期性股份於反彈市中的表現不算太突出
- 即使希臘周日的選舉能順利過關;從環球宏觀指標看,今番環球經濟危機尚未見底:西班牙債券息率已升近7%的危險水平、Credit Suisse 股價已跌破09年底位(http://www.cnbc.com/id/47814396)、而美國近日疲弱的經濟數據反映再陷衰退風險增加
- 仍定性目前為熊市反彈,以50天線或250天線為反彈目標;適當時候要見好獲利
- 內房股跑羸大市的表現應可持續,惟短線看目前已炒得有點熱,暫不是適合的買入點
- 選擇性消費股(即零售消費類)的弱勢持續,經營環境可能較預期差;估計不少子板塊遇到類似體育用品板塊的競爭激烈問題、但有關消息尚未完全浮上水面
- 減息對內險股有利,但同時間國內保險業面對保費增長的結構性問題;只可作中短線區間買賣
- 減息對內銀淨息差的影響可能被誇大,內銀可能是挾倉的工具;暫時對這板塊尚有戒心
- 濠賭股的弱勢也令人失望,該板塊可能高峰已過
- 水泥股可能找到周期性的底部
- 投資組合近日少作買賣,不欲以太高持貨比重對應熊市反彈。組合中的持股早前已在相對高位運行,是故在這輪反彈的爆發力不算很強。組合中的AAC及TCL表現出了警號;但今輪反彈個股的表現很參差;故除非很有把握,否則不欲貿然換馬
GOCO (81) | 11.8% |
TCL Multimedia (1070) | 10.4% |
Great Wall Motor (2333) | 10.2% |
ENN Energy (2688) | 9.1% |
Towngas China (1083) | 8.8% |
AAC Technology (2018) | 7.2% |
BOCHK (2388) | 7.2% |
Cash | 35.4% |
You Sir
回覆刪除NO.1 ^^
覺得大市還是RANGE TRADING,在16100~24000之間.
由 2007 年開始每一個頂部不斷向下移, 一浪頂低於一浪頂, 24000 點係阻力之上, 升上去有點難度
刪除如果上一年 10月才大手買入, 今年初的確大豐收, 但如果無放到, 等到現在, 好多股票甚至跌穿上一年的低位了。另外也無人能買在最低點。
刪除所以不要單看估值, 選股的質素也很重要。另外買入後不能瞌埋眼, at least 都每個 weekend 做一次檢討 ^^
刪除You sir,過去十多年已試了不同的投資方法,也止蝕了太多的股票,自06年再開始投資,我同自己講唔可以再走回頭路,只可以遵守自訂的遊戲規則,只買下跌的股票,持有至少一年等,我唔俾自己有選擇買什麼股票同買入賣出時間的權利,雖然我的投資方法沒有賺大錢,至11年6月組合只升了3成,沒跑贏大市,但每年也可以套現一些有賺的股票,對自己來說已是非常好了,雖然過去一年已输凸,但只是止蝕了很少,所以當它是帳面損失而已.如果出年6月底組合仍然無起息,我會放棄它,以後唔再理會,另外重新儲一筆錢,但唔會再買股票,只做回我的强項–定期存款.我的投資路上永遠只係孤獨一人而已,所以不需找人認同,自己08年在討論區公佈投資組合,也有唔少人問我點解仲未死得,話我買了很多工業股可以成為"工業家",我也無所謂,所以人話我係loser真係好少事.
Manfred 兄買殘股的理念有可取之處。但建議要分清股價低殘的理由,是因經濟或行業一時低迷而致股價低殘,或是因公司本身的結構性問題
有日本前車之鑑, 中國應不會走上日本之路, 應該係話:"不會太快走上" ^^
刪除我又幾滿意中央領導的做法, 可能我要求較低。佢地講得多過做, 如 You Sir 所講是政治阻力, 而唔係無心做。加上整個國家咁大, 有時顧此會失頗, 國家大地方官員太多, 要做到統一廉潔沒有貪污也很難。
至少我睇得到這十年間貪污方面是有進步, 過往明貪 (幾乎明搶) 變成今天都要收收埋埋, haha~~
謝謝YOU SIR的指點,水泥航運股我是看好的,航運股己看好了四年,中海發展同廣船平均蝕4成,不過我仲可以多等四年,水泥股只買過安徵水泥,以前雖有賺但寧願從來沒有止賺過,至於思捷,同創科,六福,周生生一樣,等咗好耐先跌,依家係不問理由去買.對我來說,只會買冇前景的平股而唔買前途無限嘅貴股
刪除至於高息如公用股,暫時自己仲係全線高風險股,要買公用股的機會不大,但也感謝you sir詳儘的回覆
刪除Manfred 兄, 你好, 岩岩睇完你既講解, 其實你既投資策略都有可取之處, 任何公司/行業都風水輪流轉, 再不景氣,挨過3~5年, 重整旗股, 應該會有番身既一日; 既然係上市既大公司, 唔會話倒閉就倒閉 (我估).
刪除世市難料, 無人會估到/預見將來既環境會係點, 殘價買入, 望他朝有日番身.番唔到身就唔放, 長keep. 最緊要係可以 free 番好多時間,唔使日日睇住個市. 同埋因為看錯市而落錯盤既風險.
You sir,
短線而言, TCL的動力有限, 持有都是以中線角度考慮
Take a break to watch Euro 2012 football cup.
回覆刪除Big Ox
希臘歐國杯奇蹟出線,有咩啟示 ^^
刪除I think to-night's match is interesting. I have a router bought in Ap Liu street which can see the Canton Sports, CCTV5, ShenZhen Sports, ...
刪除Big Ox
Big OX
刪除No need to buy any router, go to some web-site, you can also see Canton Sports, CCTV5, ShenZhen Sports free
刪除I think you are using PCCW. The quality of PCCW is much better if you want to view the Chinese web site. I am using Hutchison. Basically I can't see CCTV5, ... over the internet. It is always busy. I can only using the router with 3rd party channel to view it.
Big Ox
Big Ox,
刪除Yes. I am using PCCW. However, sometimes i could not view some of the chinese web-site too
澳門全面 CUT 左 CCTV5, 無得睇, 好慘!
刪除不過澳門電視台都有播, CCTV5 講波好鬼悶 ^^'''
回覆刪除Greek Vote Too Close to Call, Exit Poll Shows
As polling stations close in Greece, exit polls show there may be no conclusive winner: New Democracy had 27.5 percent to 30.5 percent of the vote, the exit poll broadcast on state-run NET TV showed. Syriza had 27 percent to 30 percent. Socialist Pasok got between 10 percent and 12 percent, according to the poll.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of Greek exit polls, as broadbast by state-run NET TV
Political Party Percentage
New Democracy 27.5 – 30.5
Syriza 27 – 30
Pasok 10 – 12
Independent Greeks 6 – 7.5
Communist Party 5 – 6
Golden Dawn 6 – 7.5
Democratic Left 5.5 – 6.5
Greek election 'too close to call'
Greece's right-wing New Democracy and left-wing Syriza parties are almost neck-and-neck after parliamentary elections, exit polls suggest.
New Democracy, which broadly supports a European bailout deal, looked to be almost tied with Syriza, which opposes the measure.
The outcome could decide Greece's future inside the euro.
The election was the second in six weeks, called after a 6 May vote proved inconclusive.
On that occasion, each of the main parties tried but failed to form a coalition government.
BBC Europe editor Gavin Hewitt says that if the exit poll figures are confirmed in this result, Greece could be in for another period of instability.
和局嗎?我今朝有報導話支持緊縮政黨已取得過半數, 左翼已認落敗?
刪除我昨晚臨睡前引述初步選後點票過程,今早醒來後應該是pro bailout的那一邊勝出
刪除短線可鬆一口氣, 但長線問題未解決, 我唔相信佢地會 100% 照歐盟要求的緊縮去做, 必定有排拗數 ~~
刪除I think so. A government formed by multi parties usually means more chaos and instability ahead.
刪除things should be alright for the short term at least
Asian Stocks, Euro, Oil Advance on Greek Pro-Bailout Vote
Asian stocks advanced and the euro strengthened as projections showed politicians that support Greece’s bailout won enough seats to control parliament, easing concern the currency bloc would lose one of its 17 members. Oil rallied while treasury futures declined.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index climbed 1.1 percent at 9:04 a.m. in Tokyo as the Nikkei 225 Stock Average (NKY) advanced 2.3 percent and Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 Index gained 0.7 percent. The euro added 0.6 percent to $1.2719, and the yen slumped 1.1 percent versus the common currency. Oil in New York rose to the highest in a week while 10-year treasury futures contracts fell 0.3 percent. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures added 0.6 percent
Greece Races as Cash Dwindles With Europe Seeking Return to Cuts
Greece’s two traditional political rivals are in a race to forge an unprecedented coalition as the state’s cash dwindles, bank deposits flee and Europe demands renewed austerity pledges before releasing more emergency aid.
Greece will run out of money in mid-July, the Syriza party, which placed second in yesterday’s election, said on June 13 after being briefed by Acting Finance Minister Giorgios Zanias. Caretaker Labor and Social Security Minister Antonis Roupakiotis refused to offer assurances pensions will be paid in August, Athens News Agency reported the same day.
sell 2018
Citron Reports on Evergrande Real Estate Group Ltd.
回覆刪除Posted in Citron Reports by Stocklemon on the June 20th, 2012
Deception on a Grande Scale
Citron Research is pleased to present our analysis of Evergrande Real Estate Group. This research and analysis, compiled over several months, presents the conclusion that HK:3333 is essentially an insolvent company that has consistently presented fraudulent information to the investing public.
We prove this conclusion in the following presentation.
Evergrande is not a story about the “China real estate bubble”; rather it is a tale of a company who has abused the capital markets as well as the generous lending of the Chinese Government in order to enrich one man, aggrandize his personal ego and support his pet projects.
Bribery, excessive spending, and off-balance sheet transactions are the foundation of Evergrande’s financials.
The situation at Evergrande is so murky that, within the last year, even the Chinese Ministry of Finance fined Evergrande for reporting inaccurate financial statements.
Citron wants to make one thing clear: we do not recommend shorting any of China’s state owned banks or any construction project backed by the Government of China. On the other hand, we believe that Evergrande has misled investors and represents the worst of Chinese neo-capitalism, and therefore represents a good short opportunity in relation to other exposure in the Chinese capital markets.
Whether it be the capital markets, government enforcement, hard or soft landing, the endgame for Evergrande is a certainty; the only uncertainty is the timing.
sell 1070
回覆刪除Market profit taking?
回覆刪除sell 2688
回覆刪除同You Sir 一樣,提這CASH LEVEL至4X%
回覆刪除我的cash level 已在60%以上,汲取上次教訓,一見唔對路立即走人
昨天開始洗到強股身上, 以及又有假數風波, 下一輪洗倉潮可能開始, 減持股票增加現金, 以及避開高風險民企係正路做法 ^^
刪除Yes, I think so. Fortunately I offload some stocks yesterday
you sir, in what cases would you change your view to more bullish??
回覆刪除perhaps i need some spiritual support as im again 100%,,,but your holdings level does have an impact to my level of confidence
Loss to pk
刪除Sold all stocks and bought 30k hk$ bear bear, hope be rich next tue when mr wu back to china
回覆刪除You sir認為煤炭股有否機會?
2.能源價如油,天然氣有支持, 應可帶動煤價
All in bear, good luck to me!
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